How Do You Like Our New Look??

How Do You Like Our New Look??

March 2, 2016

(drumroll)….Our brand new website is finally live!   What do you think?   I am SO proud of it!  This has been a huge labor of love for me, and a long-time goal finally realized.  I had long felt that our old website didn’t really communicate who we were as a firm…it didn’t highlight our specialty areas or communicate what made us unique as a firm.  Developing a site that had “our voice” took a lot of effort, and we hope you feel that throughout the site.  I spent many a late night trying different images here and a different icon there to get it just how I wanted it.  If this whole tax thing doesn’t pan out, I think I may have a future in web design, eh?

The images throughout the site were very important to me…I wanted photography that let you get to know us and our office, rather than a ton of nondescript stock photos.  We are thankful to Lisa Turner Photography for capturing some great images of our staff and our office.  While I know my staff wasn’t particularly jazzed for “headshot day”, Lisa made it quick and painless.  Lisa also photographed our family this past Christmas…she does beautiful work!


Right now, we are neck-deep in tax season.  Our team is working lots of long hours to get everything done.  We so appreciate all the trust everyone places in us each year!  See you after April 15th…
